How to Find and Duel Seto 2nd in Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories
Many players of Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories are often confused when they realize that Seto 2nd does not appear in the list of duelable characters in Free Duel.
This usually happens because the steps taken in the adventure mode do not align with the path that triggers his appearance.
If you defeat all the mages before going to the Dueling Ground, the path to Seto 2nd will not open because he only serves as a gateway to Heishin 2nd after you successfully pass Labyrinth Mage, Sebek, and Neku.
As a result, until the end of the game, Seto 2nd will not be available as an opponent in Free Duel, and only Seto and Seto 3rd will appear on the list.
How to Find and Duel Seto 2nd in Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories
To encounter and duel Seto 2nd, you need to follow these specific steps:
1. Do Not Defeat All Mages (Important!)
In the game, there are several mages guarding the Millennium Items in various locations. If you want to unlock the path to Seto 2nd, make sure to defeat only half of them before heading to the Dueling Ground.
2. Go to the Dueling Ground
After defeating some of the mages, proceed directly to the Dueling Ground. There, you will meet Jono 2nd, who will inform you that Teana 2nd has been kidnapped by Seto 2nd.
3. Follow the Storyline
During the conversation with Jono 2nd, he will mention that Teana 2nd has been kidnapped by Seto 2nd. This signifies that the path to dueling Seto 2nd has been unlocked.
4. Defeat Labyrinth Mage
As you and Jono 2nd attempt to rescue Teana 2nd, you will be stopped by Labyrinth Mage. Once you defeat him, you will finally be able to duel Seto 2nd. After that, you will be able to exit the Labyrinth and save your progress without having to defeat a true boss like Heishin 2nd or Nitemare.
By following these steps, you will successfully find and duel Seto 2nd in Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories. Good luck!