
Guardian Stars in Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories: How They Work and Why They Matter

Guardian Star in Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories
Guardian Star (Yugioh FMR) | Image source: yugioh.fandom.com

In the PlayStation 1 (PS1) game Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories, Guardian Stars are a key mechanic that influences monster battles.

Each monster card has two Guardian Stars, and players can choose one when summoning the monster to the field. This system is similar to elemental advantages in other games, where certain elements are stronger or weaker against others.

How Do Guardian Stars Work?

Guardian Stars in Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories are based on celestial bodies, such as the Sun, Moon, and planets (as classified before 2006). Each Guardian Star has a strength against one other Guardian Star and a weakness to another.

If a monster with a stronger Guardian Star attacks a monster with a weaker Guardian Star, the stronger monster gains +500 ATK & DEF.

If the "Guardian Star" text is yellow before attacking, it means your monster's Guardian Star is superior, ensuring the ATK & DEF boost.

If the "Guardian Star" text is red, the opponent's monster has the advantage, giving their card the +500 ATK & DEF bonus instead.

If the text has no bright yellow or red color, Guardian Stars do not affect the battle.

Guardian Star List: Strengths and Weaknesses

Guardian Star Strong against Weak against
Sun (☉) Moon Mercury
Mercury (☿) Sun Venus
Venus (♀) Mercury Moon
Moon (☽) Venus Sun
Mars (♂) Jupiter Neptune
Jupiter (♃) Saturn Mars
Saturn (♄) Uranus Mars
Uranus (⛢) Pluto Jupiter
Neptune (♆) Mars Pluto
Pluto (♇) Neptune Saturn

Strategic Advantage

When summoning a monster, players can manually select one of the two available Guardian Stars before placing it on the field. However, the CPU always selects the first Guardian Star by default. This gives players an advantage by allowing them to counter opponents more effectively.

Additionally, in 3D Battle Mode, a monster’s attack animation changes depending on the selected Guardian Star.

Why Isn't Earth Used as a Guardian Star?

Among the celestial bodies used as Guardian Stars, Earth is noticeably absent. A likely reason is that "Earth" is already a main attribute for many monsters, so it was excluded as a Guardian Star to avoid redundancy.

Monster Guardian Star Information

A complete list of all monster cards, along with their Main Guardian Star (Guardian Star 1) and Alternate Guardian Star (Guardian Star 2), can be found here: Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories Card List.


Guardian Stars provide a simple yet impactful mechanic in Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories. Players who understand the power relationships between Guardian Stars can gain a significant advantage in battles by selecting the optimal Guardian Star for their monsters. Mastering this system can be the key to victory in the game.

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